Looking North up High Street, from the junction of High St and Factory Rd (Wells Place).

St Nicholas Church, Stoneham Lane. (1980)

Looking along Leigh Rd from the junction with High Street. Notice the traffic on the one way system, coming
up from the direction of the railway station. (1980)

The Shell of the Regal cinema, converted to the Rayglow shop, Martines nightclub and Hancocks theme restaurant.
Photo taken from rear service road.(1982)

The public conveniences in Leigh Rd were next to the rec car park, opposite Woolworths. (1980)

The footbridge and ford where Doncaster Drove meets Stoneham Lane, just past the Concorde club. (1980)

The old town hall, Leigh Rd. (1980)

The Rec with bandstand and Angel of Victory, war memorial. circa 1980

The Old Rectory, opposite St Nicholas church, Stoneham Lane. (1980)

Cherbourg County Primary School, Cherbourg Rd, Cranbury Rd junction. (1980) Formerly Derby Rd School.

Unigate Dairy, Factory Rd. Formerly Hanns Dairy, this was the workplace of Benny Hill and inspiration
for his hit record, Ernie (The fastest milkman in the west) He really did gallop into Market St on the way back to the dairy.

Market St, Leigh Rd junction. Shops on the left are Speeds wool shop, The Friar Tuck cafe, Gilbert the fishmonger,
and Fairprice. The crane is busily converting the old Regal cinema into Martines nightclub. (1980)

Southampton Rd looking south between Chestnut Ave and York Rd. (1981)

GPO sorting office at the rear of the main office in High street. The van is a Dodge Spacemaster. (1980)

The main Post office, 14 High street, Eastleigh. (1980)

Church Of The Resurrection, Romsey Rd. Gutted by fire during the eighties, the redundant church was very
well restored and redeveloped into flats during the first years of the 21st century. (1980)

Brook Stores, AKA "The Wavy Line", Chestnut Avenue. Corner shop for the Monks Way estate, I believe
the owners name was Mr Hallet, who also hired out his Vauxhall Victor station wagon. (1980)

The Cricketers, "Cricks", Chestnut Avenue. Kids could take empty Corona bottles around the back to the
off sales, to get a few pence deposit back. Good sweetie money ! (1980)

Eastleigh Technical College, corner of Chestnut Ave and Cranbury Rd. (1980)

Chamberlayne Rd Boys School, Chamberlayne Rd. The passing postman is Jack Baverstock. (1980)

Market St, Blenheim Rd junction. Note foundations to the flats. (1981)

New Lloyds bank building under construction, corner of Leigh Rd and Upper market Street. (1981)

The Labour Exchange, Derby Rd. Opposite not in the photo was Wilkies the newsagents, a favourite with the
kids from Cherbourg County Primary School, as you could buy cheap plastic toys, such as "knockers". (1980)

Grantham Green, bordered by Derby Rd, Grantham Rd, Nutbeem Rd, and Parnell Rd. During the 1960's and 70's
Cherbourg Rd Primary School children would tramp down to the green for P.E. Do they still ? (1980)

Norwood County Primary School, Chamberlayne Rd. For a brief period in the 1970's served as Alderman
Quilley Annexe, to cope with the overspill from the main school. Originally Chamberlayne Road Girls School.(For demure
young ladies !) (1980)

High Street between Blenheim Rd and Factory Rd. The shop with the sunshade was Buyrite stores. (1980)
This is the Lloyds Bank building. It stood on the corner of Leigh Rd and Upper Market St. It was demolished
in the 1980's to make way for the new Lloyds Bank building.

This is the Lloyds Bank building erected around 1982.

The Romsey Rd one way system at the Leigh Rd junction. Note the old town hall.

Looking south from the junction of High Street and Factory Rd (Wells Place), this stretch of the High Street
was demolished to make way for the Swan Centre.

Eastleigh railway station.(1980)

The Railway Institute, corner of Leigh Rd and Upper Market St. (1980)

Market Street, Factory Rd (Wells Place) junction, looking north. (1980)

Market Street looking north. The new large brick building is Martines nightclub, (only the frontage was new,
the rear is the gutted and refurbished Regal cinema.) , further up the other large building is Lloyds bank. (1982)

The junction of Market Street and Blenheim Road, being built over making this part of the street a cul de
sac. (1982)

The Public Library on the Leigh Rd Rec. (1980)

St Nicholas church, Stoneham Lane. (1980)

Blenheim Rd from the junction with Southampton Road. On the right is the Unity Club, E Lush car sales, public
car park behind Tesco and the Co-op superstore. (1980)

Tesco supermarket, opened in 1973 after being built over the old Factory rd, Market St junction. Tesco was
later incorperated into the Swan centre on it's original site, pretty much using the shell of the 70's store. The rear entrance
into the public car park, became the entrance from inside the Swan Centre. (1980)

Junction of Leigh Rd and High Street. Clemoes shop on the left incorperating The Fig Leaf. Note the yellow
Post Office Telephones Bedford Beagle van. (1980)

The Crest Hotel, as it was originally named. Under construction on the old Fleming Park bowling green, at
the junction of Passfield avenue with Leigh Rd. (1981)

A modernised Edwardian terrace, typical of 1980's Eastleigh, during the snowy winter of 1981/1982.

Foggy photo looking north up Station Hill. (1980)

Eastleigh railway station, photographed from Bishopstoke bridge. (1980)

The Smithy , Chestnut Avenue. As a child if you were lucky enough to be passing at the right time, the smith
would ask you to nip up to Brook Stores, to buy him his fags. The reward for this task was to spend the change on a toffee
strip or perhaps some coconut tobacco. (1980)

Southampton Rd looking north, between the Grantham Rd and Campbell Rd junction. (1980)
Three views from the Campbell Rd railway bridge, that would be very familiar to the workers at the railway
works, once the main employer in the town . (1980)

The bakery, Market Street, almost at the junction with Blenheim Rd. The road to the right, just past the
bakery is the entrance to the old Hants & Dorset bus station, where you could also pick up a Royal Blue coach to
take you on your holidays to Dorset. (1980)

The Cottage, Magpie Lane. (1980)

Peter Green furniture showroom, Southampton Rd, between Factory Rd and Blenheim Rd junctions. Demolished
to make way for the Swan Centre. (1980)

Centre 66, Grantham Rd. Now replaced with a shiny new community centre. (1980)

E Lush Car sales, Market Street, between Blenheim Rd and Factory Rd (Wells Place) Photograph taken from
car park behind Tesco. (1980)

Police Station, Leigh Rd. (1980)

Eastleigh Car Centre, Upper Market Street. Sporting a lovely line in Hillman Imps and Triumph 2000's. (1981)

Sunshine Corner, junction of Desborough Rd and Cherbourg Rd. (1980)

Pirelli General cable works, Leigh Rd. Eastleigh's answer to the great wall of China. During the second world
war dark patches resembling doors and windows were painted on the wall, to trick German bomber pilots into thinking it was
a row of terraced houses and so protect it from bombing. The paint was still clearly visable when the factory was demolished,
to make way for housing in the early years of the 21st century. (1980)

High Street between Blenheim Rd and Factory Rd as photographed from the public car park, between Co-op and

Car park between the railway institute and rec, Leigh Rd. In the background is the new Newtown Doctors surgery.

The Half Way Inn , Junction of Oakmount Rd and Winchester Rd, Chandlers Ford, dating from the mid eighties.
Santa doing the rounds in Market St (above) and Upper Market St (below). as part of Eastleighs' Christmas
events 1985.

The Pirelli General Sports and Social Club swimming pool, photographed by Margaret Hillier circa 1974/5.
Although restricted to members of the club and their families this open air pool will be fondly remembered by many. It was
situated on the Pirelli site off Passfield Avenue/Dew Lane. The club closed it's doors to members in 2003.

Pirelli swimming gala 1974